Friday, April 6, 2007

Sick Life Of Human Being.

You're someone out there yet to be known to the world, imagine a young kid that just entered secondary school or a student that has entered college for the first day to make friends with and found out that it is so hard to make friends with. Then imagine what would you think a young kid like that would do to attract attention ?

Positively someone would think:

  1. Get active in sports and train as hard as possible to be number 1
  2. Get good scores in results to attract others
  3. Joining clubs
  4. Be more approaching/active rather than passive when meeting someone

But if someone fails all these, what do you think they would do ?

  1. They would most like take drug to take away the sickening life of boringness
  2. Taking up smoking to look "cool" just because they are unwanted in the society good society but there are plenty of "friends" in the smoking society
  3. Feeling life is worthless, thinking negatively, disobedience to their parents, gambling, drinking

What pushes people to do all these ?, because they are probably left out by the society that they try to fit into but somehow everyone seems to be egoistic about themselves. I feel that people shouldn't leave another one behind just because they are different.

I know MAJORITY of the public view others by the cover although you would say "NO", just because someone looks like a gremlin or an orge doesn't mean you can't make them as friends, I see a lot of people wouldn't get along with foreign people especially if they are not their own kind, see China students for example, malaysian can stick along but what if a nigerian ? why most of the MALAYSIAN ignore them ? just because of their skin colour or because you judge what others say about nigerian in their country as liar and cheaters ?

I seriously can't stand people saying hey I don't like you because you wear glasses, you're not handsome, you're stupid, you're worthless, you're too short, you're not cute enough, you're not cool enough. WHAT IS ALL THESE !?!? I know some of you Malaysian would do this.
Another dangerous thing about people is the word "Assumption", [You] assume someone would know what you think everytime,you think everyone is the same with your thinking, but have you put yourself in another person's shoes ? Because you assume, you think it's the right action, you never thought of other's feelings
Why can't we live in peace and harmony ?

if the people could stop cheating each other, backstabbing each other, blackmailing each other, murdering each other, scolding each other in Malaysia, I think Malaysia would have been a better place to live in rather than living in a sick mind in everyday's life

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