Thursday, April 19, 2007

Gamer and Gaming

I'm an avid gamer when I was small, it's fun to play games. My constructive mind loves to play strategy when I was small like Heroes: Might and Magic, Starcraft and Warcraft. After the development of Half Life and 3 years later Counter Strike, the gaming life of mine starts to drive further as I soon got very much addicted to it.

The feeling of being a gamer if sometimes because we seek attention and aside of that to seek entertainment and adventure. Whenever I am good in a game, I try to seek glory from it by challenging another player. It feels good inside me where it makes me happy when I win. Although there is a saying "It's just a game", how many player would actually mean it if let's say you're defeated badly or you're playing in a championship like WCG ?

After the development of DOTA which I didn't bother to touch ever since it got developed until my account in Ragnarok Online got wiped and there was no more online games that could actually attract my attention (MapleStory). The development of DOTA was great until now, everyone is enjoying the game and it has even entered into the game played in WCG competition. I'd wish I could have a unlimited credit card where I can purchase my dream game which is World Of Warcraft because I haven't got enough of playing my cool dwarf hunter. I had only managed to play for 2 weeks when WOW just entered open beta before it went gold. It was fun though that I actually kept awake 18 hours just to play it during my school holiday during year 2004.

The development of games have it's bad effects though. When the first cyber cafe was first opened, many students would actually skip school to catch a game with their friends and waste pocket money. Keep in mind that when cyber cafe business was not well known yet, it was charging RM4, imagine a cyber cafe that charges RM4 now ? I bet everyone shouts RIP OFF but imagine during that time like year 2000.

Bad gaming experience has also resulted in anger where you can see last in cyber cafe that if someone is so pissed off because he got killed for billions of times that he can't stand it anymore but to punch the person that is right next to him or the "killer" that killed him numerous time. I bet you have read about cyber cafe rage that went to even armed weapon like parang.

Furthermore, some games are too addictive and could even force people to play non-stop until they are drop dead such as the south korean case where a man stayed awake for 72 hours before collapsing and died on the spot because of malnutrition and lack of sleep.

And the most famous one of all is foul language and bad sportsmanship, how "rarely" have you seen people not cursing inside the cyber cafe loudly as if he was the king of the world. I bet you've experienced this in ANY games where you meet an opponent that is so childish that can't help but to bug you and taunt you with any grammar he/she can find in their head just to annoy your gaming experience.

The lack of sportsmanship really turned down a lot of avid gamers because of the lousy gaming experience they are receiving. The point is, we should let game consume our mind and corrupt us from doing things that is called "life". It's not to say that you can't have fun, but there is a limit where you should do something in life like getting a job, get a good result in exam or get a girlfriend and interact and make friends.

Out of the negative side, gaming helps to create an active mind and help to stimulate the brain with action visually. In the recent report, even surgeons should play games to do better in using a mechanical hand through a computer.

I'm just a lover for games but most people refer gamers as geeks. Everyone wishes to enjoy life in a specific ways. Some find pleasure playing games, some find pleasure reading novels and etc. Even gamers or geeks should deserve love, caring and help from others. I will still probably play games even though I'm married, unless your life is filled up with your wife or friends or by work. But then again, gaming is another healthy lifestyle other than going to pubs and drink all morning to release tension in exchange for illusive "entertainment" from drinking beer.

Moreover, You might start getting crippled for playing too much game by sitting all day long, so get some life and go out and take an exercise for an hour. Walk around malls with your family or friends.

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