Friday, April 6, 2007


It happens that you have not talked to your friend for a month or not seeing them for a long time after you have graduated from high school. Will your friend somehow still contact you or have you just found out that from the 400 friends you've made, none of them remembered you after your graduation?
Ever seen your friends have changed a lot after they have gotten a girlfriend in life? That they don't talk to any other people and start to make life only for 2 of them. They made it as if the surrounding around them are nothing and the people around them are strangers. I got some friends that actually ignored me after being inside a relationship. However, I got friends that still keep their friend even they are inside a relationship.
Don't you think these kind of people are rather selfish or forgetful? Will you forget your friends after you've left a place? Will you even forget your friends around you after you have gotten a girlfriend or boyfriend? Have you noticed that your friends have found you less important in their life compared to their new friends they have made?
Friendship does move on with time, remember the days during kindergarten where everyone were so afraid of each other but by the time the school has started, teachers began to introduced them to each other. Making friends when we were small were so much easier, where no one who would care if you were black, brown, yellow or white. Then again, there weren't hard feelings when we graduate from kindergarten and moved on to primary school life because we were too young to even remember how our friends even look like when our brains has finally it's mind.
Primary school life was a lot more fun than kindergarten, you get to run in a bigger playground or should I say school compound and play jump rope and other big sports like badminton and football than being restricted to small toys and sitting in class most of the time during kindergarten. You made more friends during those 6 years of primary school and have forged a bond with your friends but guess what happens after you've left your primary friends to pursue your own preferred secondary school with your UPSR results for a few years later ?
Even a school reunion organized by my friend didn't helped much. Many of them didn't turn up because some changed their numbers and addresses. During the reunion hardly anyone can get along well in a conversation that might spark any big interest. Everyone has forgotten each other but they will still remember me as being the naughtiest boy in the primary school. Life has also changed when your friends have graduated from their high school and pursue their studies in college and universities. Some migrated and has left their friends in Malaysia that is soon to be forgotten other than their close ones.
Suddenly, you got a phone call from your old friend that you've not seen since you've graduated in high school, they start to talk about how much he missed you but guess what? Your old buddy starts to talk about business relationship that will earn him some commission in the name of friendship after so many years of not having in contact with him
You can say that you have over 400 over friends in your friendster list but do you think you can manage up to 400 friends? Even a professor in a lecture hall finds it hard to control 200 students. Do you even have the time to talk everyone of them in those 400 people? Being a typical Malaysian, we will always have the excuse of being forgetful that we have got used to since secondary school for not bringing our homework.
You won’t consider a person as a friend just because they were strangers to you in a few second, the next moment they request for your email address to add you into their instant messenger or friendster. A real friend would be someone that will be there for us when we are in need; they are willing to sacrifice for us when we get into trouble. A real friend wouldn’t forget us because we are away from them for a long time.
Do you think your previous friends that used to jump rope with you during primary school days are still your best friends? Or would you say that someone tried to revive you when you fainted somewhere in your college or even carried you on his back to the emergency room to help you and later you found out that the person tried to save you was your good friend you have just made in college?

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